McDougle Technical Institute is licensed private post secondary school specializing in vocational training for career preparation.

McDougle Technical Institute was founded by Mrs. Octavia McDougle who has over 14 years experience in higher education and business management.

Over the years, Mrs. McDougle’s passion to help others has led her to open a school in her community. In 2010, the first McDougle Technical Institute campus was opened at 1313 S. Powerline Road, Pompano Beach, and in 2014 McDougle Technical Institute relocated to the Pompano Citi Centre Mall.

Mission Statement

McDougle Technical Institute helps students build career and college pathways while pursuing their passion with diverse programs that combine theory and hands-on practice to give them the skills and experience to have an opportunity to succeed.

McDougle Technical Institute prides itself on blending traditional student life experiences such as athletics, housing, travel opportunities and internships with in demand vocational and degree programs that lead to gainful employment.

Apply Now

MTI Pompano Beach -Florida School License # 6403
Pompano Beach Citi Centre
1955 N. Federal Highway #207
Pompano Beach, FL 33062

MTI Pompano Beach -Florida School License # 4433
Pompano Beach Citi Centre
1901 N. Federal Highway #201
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Florida School License # 6403

MTI Gainesville -Florida School License # 6525
Oakwood Commons Shopping
6250 NW 23rd St. Suite #14
Gainesville, FL 32653

MTI Gainesville -Florida School License # 2151
Oakwood Commons Shopping
6250 NW 23rd St. Suite #14
Gainesville, FL 32653

Not all programs are accredited and not all programs are offered at each location.